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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Not an actual post, folks.

As you may have noticed, I have not updated this in a while. It's not due to lack of time. I'm simply not playing D&D right now due to work complications and cannot think of any ideas. If you'd like to submit your own entries and can make them funny more importantly, please send your e-mail submissions to

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Symbul

Yet another annoying mage on Toril who refused to die no matter how many people may wish it of her.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


A soft metal that seems to be strangely overvalued almost everywhere. It is useless for weapons so it's often found in coins. The authors, despite their best attempts cannot think of anyhing really funny to say about gold so please insert your own joke here.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


The diety of guardianship in Faerun and Realmspace and like the followers of Tyr on the planet, they are not great fun at parties. In fact after taking up the religion many followers stop partying all together assuming that it won't meet with the approval of their new god. Of course there are many gods like this across the multiverse and they and their followers are best avoided by those who love fun.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Not exactly a party god, nor someone you'd want to meet in a dark alley. His follwers however are extremely comitted or at least they should be. Bhaal is a dead diety of the Realms who still mantains a following for some mysterious reason. However, if you need to get someone out of the way and don't mind being a target later yourself necessarily you may be able to contact a follower or two of his.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Unfortunately we cannot print her full title here due to at least parts of the Guide being devoted to families. (In fact, there are entire sections of the guide devoted to topics for those who are beyond their childhood years, but they will not be presented here. Consult your own Guide for further information.

Although not much like Tymora in outlook, she is often worshipped to keep her wrath away from sailors at sea. Worshippers instead of trying to court her favor steadfastly avoid her disfavor unless they wind up on the bottom of the ocean floor.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


A Faerunian diety and one you want to have on your side for she is the goddess of luck and can bring good fortune to her worshippers. In fact, it's better to remain on her good side even if you aren't a worshipper. She doesn't actively seek out those who displease, but unfortunate accidents have been known to happen from time to time to those who dn't court her favor.